Plaid Enterprises, Inc Apple Barrel Ocean Vibe Set, 4 Colors

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Apple Barrel Ocean Vibe Set, 4 Colors

The Apple Barrel Ready Pour Ocean Vibe Set is the perfect grab-and-go pouring paint for beginners. Use this pack of 4 - 4 oz bottles to create unique ocean-inspired marbled designs. Apple Barrel Ready Pour is a high-quality pre-mixed pouring paint that you can use straight from the bottle - no mixing required. This water-based, non-toxic formula is easy to use and dries to a subtle satin finish. Pour on wood, canvas, paper mache, and so much more. Use the pouring method on both light and dark colors with a variety of techniques such as a clean or dirty pour. This formula is for indoor use only. Create a unique marbled effect when you use the Apple Barrel Ready Pour 4-piece Ocean Vibe Set!


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Apple Barrel Ocean Vibe Set, 4 Colors
Apple Barrel Ocean Vibe Set, 4 Colors